Saturday, May 18, 2024


 As a professional graphic designer for 40 years...yes before computers, I have to look away every day at some of the flyers I see online in social media. There is NO design. NO flow. NO professionalism. If you want to market yourself, you should represent yourself and your business as a professional and not with an attitude of, "Yeah, my kid could do that". And yes they probably can but it will also look like it unless they have a degree in graphic design. I have paid my dues and done my time. And as a friend of mine, who shall remain nameless (Patti) and I say, DAM@%#  IT, I'm a professional.

Check out some BAD FLYER DESIGNS

This article pretty much covers most of the common mistakes made in design so you won't make them.

 This is one of my favs! I would get into trouble if I posted some of the ones I see in my neck of the woods.


Saturday, April 6, 2024

People Don’t Read Online—They Scan. This Is How to Write for Them


 How Users Read on the Web

A co-worker and I wonder if people even read the copy in posts when questions asked has the answer in the post text. This article explains that people do not read online, they scan.

All people do not read in the same way. I have tried to tell clients that think posts should be in book form to remember to just HIT IT AND QUIT IT! In other words. Just the facts. No fluff, no long adjectives, and no unnecessary and's or the's and keep it as short and to the point as possible. Scanning allows readers to avoid informational overload. Which type of scanner are you?

And be sure and read the 10 helpful tips for maximum readability.

 Take me to the article....


Wednesday, June 7, 2023


Top 15 Easy-to-Use DIY Design Tools For Non-Designers in 2023

New business? No budget for a Graphic Designer or Web Designer? I get it! I have been in the DESIGN biz for over 40 years, pre-Windows-Macs and floppy discs. What a great time to learn from the ground up. I love this stuff and have fun every day.

The Ultimate Logo Design Checklist Every Brand Needs - Kimp

I have been known to help new businesses pro bono to get them started with a professional look. Always starting with their logo. If you want to DIY here are the top online tools for NON-DESIGNERS the link is below! I have even checked some of them out. I would much rather hang out in the Land of Adobe, and I am very comfortable there.

Good artists copy; great artists steal”
-Pablo Picasso

 15 DIY Options for Non-Designers


Tuesday, April 4, 2023


Lorem Ipsum

Do you know what Lorem Ipsum is? Maybe you should!

I love it when clients tell me I put some foreign language on their website. Well, I did! But for design purposes. And it has been around for 5 CENTURIES.

It has quite an interesting and, at least for me fun history.


Read all about it here:

Tuesday, February 7, 2023

There is a method to my madness!

 Not Everyone is a Graphic Designer!


 I had a great day yesterday. I got to speak to some REAL Graphic Artists who are local.  Jerred at Shipping Depot, after I explained who I was said, "You speak my language." And I said that is my line as a great conversation ensued.  I then had to pleasure to meet Adam at PrintBoy on Merritt Island and "Talk Shop". All you REAL Graphic Artists are very much appreciated. I do not care who does the design as long as it is good! And these guys are GOOD! I have often thought of writing a book Diary of a MAD GRAPHIC ARTIST, but it may have a limited audience.

This article from Midwest Marketing pretty much sums it all up! I have always told clients there is a method to my madness.

What separates Designers from the “I’ve got Photoshop”?

  • Designers make decisions based on the elements of design rather than throwing something together because it looks nice or cool.
  • Designers don’t just throw something on their screen and hope it looks professional and sends the right message. There is a thought process; color choice, placement and knowing what works best for that client’s message and intended medium.
  • Designers are innovative, they are creative and can create mind blowing ideas that the average person cannot.
  • Designers go beyond. This is their career, they’re college educated. Your project is just as important to them as it is to you.

Design on, every one!

Wednesday, July 27, 2022



I am back to posting. I have been on hiatus due to some health issues and COVID really hit hard to a lot of businesses and communities. We were all forced to find new ways of conducting business and how we live our personal lives. Along with that some things never change. If you have a business and want to use WIX this is a good read on MOST ALL the reasons why they are a poor choice. I have dealt with them for clients and I cringe when they say their site is on WIX.

Reasons to say NO to WIX!


Tuesday, July 26, 2022

Do you need an XML Sitemap? What does Google say?

 What Is an XML Sitemap?

A sitemap is a list of website pages that are accessible to search engine web crawlers, such those of Google. It is usually generated in XML format and includes a hierarchical list of the URLs on your website.

 This is just one thing every website needs. Read more about sitemap below.